Monday, May 16, 2005

Blew out my back at work last week. Started this new job at the Post Office, and it only took me a week to injure myself while slinging hundreds of pounds of mail between 2 and 10 in the morning. Obviously, I'm looking for a new job. Since the injury, I've been in and out of hospitals and doctor's offices all week. Not something I'm looking forward to continuing.

In between all of that, our computer glitched, which forced us to reformat both hard-drives--including the one that had all of the Resurrection Game files on it. Thank god for tape backup or I'd be doomed to re-editing from scratch. Again. Not something I would want to repeat.

So with all of that, I finished up the new draft of Dead Men Walking for the production company The Asylum and things look good that it might actually be produced by them. I'll post more when I know more.

Started the new script for what will most probably be our next feature, Banshee, which will be our attempt to start a new franchise. It'll be a fun, straightforward horror script (or as straightforward as we can get). See if you can guess what the monster is.

Since we started talking about Banshee, people have already asked us "What about WonderDom? What about Razor Days? Well, those are still in the works. We were hoping we could intice Troma into splitting the WonderDom bill with us, but they're wrapped up in Poultrygeist. Razor Days is still very much alive and kicking, but we need money to do this one. It won't work on the cheap or on the fly the way the others would (and the way Severe Injuries did). So we try Banshee. And this one, if all goes as planned, will be really cool, I think. I'm trying to make an intelligent body-count movie, anyway.

Oh, and I was recently named editor of Sirens of Cinema Magazine. Look for our first issue to hit the stands around September, with stories on and/or by Amy Lynn Best, Brinke Stevens, Debbie Rochon, Sherri Moon, Linnea Quigley, and more. Pretty excited about this one too!

Finally, here's a new review of SEVERE INJURIES...

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